This folder contains unit tests for the Kubernetes Operator Agent.
Python Unit Tests API#
Documentation to be provided.
Tests API Documentation#
Test Configuration#
Pytest configuration module.
This module sets up configurations and fixtures for Pytest, allowing the test environment to include custom configurations for the application.
- tests.conftest.MODULE_DIR = '/home/runner/work/k8s-operator-agent/k8s-operator-agent'#
Add the parent directory of the current file to the system path
- tests.conftest.config()#
Provide a Hypercorn Config object for testing.
This fixture returns a pre-configured Hypercorn
object used for testing purposes. It binds the server to, enables the reloader, and sets the access log to stdout.- Variables:
ret_value (hypercorn.config.Config) – The HyperCorn Config object.
- Return ret_value:
The configured Hypercorn
Test Init#
Kubernetes Operator Agent init test module.
- tests.test_init.test_get_version_fallback()#
Test get_version fallback to default version on error.
This test simulates a failure in retrieving the version from the Git repository by raising a ValueError. It mocks the Version.from_str method and its devel_increment behavior to verify that the default version (“0.0.1”) is used when the Git query fails.
- Variables:
mock_version (MagicMock) – A MagicMock of the
object.version (str) – A string representation of the test version.
- tests.test_init.test_get_version_success()#
Test get_version when git version query is successful.
This test mocks the return value of query_git_repo to simulate successful version retrieval. It checks whether the version is returned correctly and verifies that the to_str method is called once.
- Variables:
mock_version (MagicMock) – A MagicMock of the
module.version (str) – A string representation of the test version.
Test Prompts#
Kubernetes Operator Agent unit tests module.
- tests.test_prompts.test_prompt_avoidance_section()#
Test that SYSTEM_PROMPT contains avoidance instructions.
Ensures that SYSTEM_PROMPT includes instructions to avoid prompting users for input, explaining how to do things, or asking users to take actions.
- Variables:
SYSTEM_PROMPT (str) – The prompt provided to the LLM system.
- tests.test_prompts.test_prompt_contains_helm()#
Test that SYSTEM_PROMPT contains helm-related instructions.
Verifies the presence of key helm-related operations such as ‘helm list’, the use of helm for installations, updates, and deletions of applications.
- Variables:
SYSTEM_PROMPT (str) – The prompt provided to the LLM system.
- tests.test_prompts.test_prompt_contains_kubectl()#
Test that SYSTEM_PROMPT contains kubectl-related instructions.
Ensures that the SYSTEM_PROMPT includes kubectl commands for querying and managing Kubernetes resources, including CRDs and other resource types.
- Variables:
SYSTEM_PROMPT (str) – The prompt provided to the LLM system.
- tests.test_prompts.test_prompt_exists()#
Test that SYSTEM_PROMPT is defined and contains non-empty content.
Ensures that the SYSTEM_PROMPT constant exists, is a string, and is not empty after stripping any surrounding whitespace.
- Variables:
SYSTEM_PROMPT (str) – The prompt provided to the LLM system.
- tests.test_prompts.test_prompt_instructions()#
Test that SYSTEM_PROMPT contains key instruction sections.
Verifies the presence of specific instructional guidance, including usage of the terminal function, explanations of commands, and decision-making based on the current cluster state.
- Variables:
SYSTEM_PROMPT (str) – The prompt provided to the LLM system.
- tests.test_prompts.test_prompt_keywords(keyword)#
Parameterized test for ensuring key terms in SYSTEM_PROMPT.
This test checks if essential concepts and keywords like ‘CurrentClusterState’ and ‘bash pipes’ are present in the SYSTEM_PROMPT content.
Test Settings#
Kubernetes Operator Agent settings unit tests module.
- tests.test_settings.test_debug_setting()#
Test that DEBUG is set to True by default and is of type bool.
- Variables:
DEBUG (bool) – Enable or disable debug output.
- tests.test_settings.test_defaults(env_var, default_value, var_type)#
Parameterized test to check various environment variable default values.
- tests.test_settings.test_langchain_endpoint()#
Test that LANGCHAIN_ENDPOINT is set to the correct default value.
- tests.test_settings.test_langchain_project()#
Test that LANGCHAIN_PROJECT is set to the correct default value.
- tests.test_settings.test_log_level_debug()#
Test that LOG_LEVEL is set to DEBUG when DEBUG is True.
- Variables:
LOG_LEVEL (str) – Setting to determine the verbosity of log output.
- tests.test_settings.test_ollama_base_url()#
Test that OLLAMA_BASE_URL is set to the default value.
- Variables:
OLLAMA_BASE_URL (str) – URL for an Open LLAMA server to use.
- tests.test_settings.test_ollama_model()#
Test that OLLAMA_MODEL is set to the default value.
- Variables:
OLLAMA_MODEL (str) – The OLLAMA model to be used.
- tests.test_settings.test_openai_model()#
Test that OPENAI_MODEL is set to the default value.
- Variables:
OPENAI_MODEL (str) – Name of the OpenAI model to use.
- tests.test_settings.test_openai_model_temp()#
Test that OPENAI_MODEL_TEMP is set to the correct default value.
- Variables:
OPENAI_MODEL_TEMP (str) – Value of OpenAI Model temp setting.