This is API documentation for Panegyric.
panegyric package
panegyric package
digraph inheritancec5ec4d45e5 { bgcolor=transparent; rankdir=LR; size="8.0, 12.0"; "panegyric.text.Text" [URL="#panegyric.text.Text",fillcolor=white,fontname="Vera Sans, DejaVu Sans, Liberation Sans, Arial, Helvetica, sans",fontsize=10,height=0.25,shape=box,style="setlinewidth(0.5),filled",target="_top",tooltip="Defines and constructs Text objects."]; }panegyric.text module
This module contains the Text class.
- class panegyric.text.Text(message_file_path)[source]
Defines and constructs Text objects.
- Parameters:
message_file_path (str) – Path to the file containing messages.
- __init__(message_file_path)[source]
Initialize a Text instance.
- Parameters:
message_file_path (str) – Path to the file containing messages.
import os # import sentry_sdk # sentry_sdk.init(os.environ.get(‘SENTRY_DSN’))
- get_message()[source]
Get a message to send.
- Variables:
all_messages (dict) – All of the messages.
least_recent_date (datetime.datetime) – Oldest message send.
message (str) – Message to send.
- check_send_date(message, least_recent_date)[source]
Check that this is least recently sent message.
- Parameters:
message (str) – Message to check the date of.
least_recent_date (datetime.datetime) – Oldest sned for a message.
- get_all_messages()[source]
Get all messages.
- Variables:
yml (ruamel.yaml.YAML) – A YAML object to parse messages.
Module contents
This module contains the Text class.
- class panegyric.text.Text(message_file_path)[source]
Defines and constructs Text objects.
- Parameters:
message_file_path (str) – Path to the file containing messages.
- api_key = 'textbelt'[source]
The API key to use for sending texts.
- check_send_date(message, least_recent_date)[source]
Check that this is least recently sent message.
- Parameters:
message (str) – Message to check the date of.
least_recent_date (datetime.datetime) – Oldest sned for a message.
- current_date = None[source]
The date of execution.
- get_all_messages()[source]
Get all messages.
- Variables:
yml (ruamel.yaml.YAML) – A YAML object to parse messages.
- get_message()[source]
Get a message to send.
- Variables:
all_messages (dict) – All of the messages.
least_recent_date (datetime.datetime) – Oldest message send.
message (str) – Message to send.
- message = None[source]
The message to send.
- message_file_path = None[source]
Path to a yaml file containing messages.
- messages = [][source]
All of the messages that can be sent.
- phone = '0000000000'[source]
Phone number to send to.
- send_message()[source]
Send the selected message.
- url = 'https://textbelt.com/text'[source]
The url for the text sending service.
- write_messages()[source]
Write updated messages message list.
- Variables:
yml (ruamel.yaml.YAML) – A yaml object to write messages.