
The Panegyric Application’s readme.


Reviewed by Hound codecov wakatime

A tool for sending praise via text on a regular schedule.


Make sure you’ve got Python 3 installed with pipenv available.

pip3 install pipenv

Then use pipenv to install the required dependencies and enter the created virtualenv.

pipenv install --dev
pipenv shell

Build and install with python

From this virtualenv you can build and install the package.

python setup.py build
python setup.py install

Install with pip

Or you can use pip to install the package locally.

pip install -e .


At the moment there are no arguments, so changing things like the phone number to text and enabling non-test executions require updating the src/panegyric/text.py source file directly.

Eventually there will be a config file or something to make this kind of thing easier, but for now this will work.

Once you’ve got the package installed and the Text class configured you can run the program.


At the time of writing this is meant to be executed once a day via a cron job or similar timed program execution tool.


Tests are run with pytest.

pytest -s -v -l


You can build the docuentation with Sphinx.

sphinx-build docs/source docs/build