The first sort
problem from HackerRank.
sort 2#
In this challenge, we practice using the sort command to sort input in text or TSV formats.
Given a text file, order the lines in reverse lexicographical order (i.e. Z-A instead of A-Z).
Input Format#
A text file.
Output Format#
Output the text file with the lines reordered in reverse lexicographical order.
Sample Input#
Dr. Rajendra Prasad January 26, 1950 May 13, 1962
Dr. S. Radhakrishnan May 13, 1962 May 13, 1967
Dr. Zakir Hussain May 13, 1967 August 24, 1969
Shri Varahagiri Venkata Giri August 24, 1969 August 24, 1974
Shri Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed August 24, 1974 February 11, 1977
Shri Neelam Sanjiva Reddy July 25, 1977 July 25, 198
Sample Output#
Shri Varahagiri Venkata Giri August 24, 1969 August 24, 1974
Shri Neelam Sanjiva Reddy July 25, 1977 July 25, 198
Shri Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed August 24, 1974 February 11, 1977
Dr. Zakir Hussain May 13, 1967 August 24, 1969
Dr. S. Radhakrishnan May 13, 1962 May 13, 1967
Dr. Rajendra Prasad January 26, 1950 May 13, 1962
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# shellcheck disable=SC2162
sort -r < /dev/stdin